How to Fix Dog Urine Spots On Your Lawn

How to Fix Dog Urine Spots On Your Lawn

Having a dog is all fun and games, until your yard starts to look terrible from all of the urine spots Fido leaves behind. Fortunately, there is hope for your dog and your lawn to coexist. Read on to learn how to fix dog urine spots on your lawn.

Why does dog urine leave spots in the lawn?

Dog urine lawn spots happen because of the high amount of nitrogen and related salts naturally contained in dog urine. Lawn damage happens when concentrated urine collects in the same area repeatedly, like fertilizer burn.

Some areas of your lawn may recover on their own, however, areas that your dog frequents for urination will typically need dog urine repair.

How to Fix Dog Urine Spots On Your Lawn

With the right products, and a little patience, dog urine grass repair can be a pretty easy fix. The remedy for brown spots is different than the remedy for green spots, so knowing which ones you are dealing with is important.

Fixing Green Lawn Spots:

Nitrogen is an essential plant nutrient, so some of your dogs favorite spots to relieve himself can become greener from the urine’s nitrogen. This tends to happen more with grass hasn’t been fertilized with enough nitrogen. If this is the case, your lawn could have low nitrogen. You can find out the exact levels by taking a sample of your soil to be tested. To correct this, apply Pennington UltraGreen Lawn Fertilizer 34-0-4 every 60 to 90 days through the growing season, or as needed according to your soil lab results. This particular fertilizer helps to increase drought tolerance, which is much like tolerance to urine salts. It will also help boost nutrients for a nice green lawn.

Fixing Brown Lawn Spots:

Brown spots are more severe because they are dead or dying grass. A lawn that is weak or overly dry is more prone to this type of dog urine damage. If you start to see spots like this, water the areas repeatedly to flush out the urine salts. Saturating the areas will help clean the surrounding soil.

You cannot bring dead grass back to life, but you can repair the areas affected by the dog urine spots. Start by removing the dead grass and then treating the area with Pennington One Step Complete. This product is easy-to-use and premixed, for quick and simple lawn repair. You get premium grass seed, professional-grade fertilizer and natural mulch in one product. Be sure to choose the best variation for your grass type and growing climate.

Be sure to keep your pet away from any areas that are being treated. Your dog should be safe around these treatments, but you don’t want to waste all of your hard work. Generally it is best to let grass grow and mow it at least three to four times before you allow dog or people traffic.

Now that you’ve fixed all those spots in the lawn, maybe you want to let someone else take care of your regular lawn maintenance. Friske Lawn Care would be happy to tackle this for you. Reach out today for a free quote!


Signs That Your Tree Is Dying

Signs That Your Tree Is Dying


Do you have a tree on your property that doesn’t look quite right? There is a possibility that your tree is dying. There are signs to check for, making it easier to decide if you need to treat the tree or just remove it. Here are some signs to look to to confirm whether or not your tree is dying.

Check the Trunk

Check the tree trunk for the following:

  • Vertical cracks
  • Missing bark
  • Cankers or areas of dead bark
  • Scratch the trunk to check the inner layer of bark. If it is brown, the tree is likely dead.

Check the Branches

Look for the following signs in the branches:

  • Loss of leaves out of season
  • Brown or brittle leaves during the growing season
  • Dead leaves holding onto branches
  • Weak joints between branches

Damaged Roots

If your tree suddenly develops a noticeable lean, you may have root damage. Anther sign of this is small branches sprouting from the bottom of the tree. If your tree has exposed roots you can check to see if the roots are turning slimy.

Bugs and Fungus

A large fungus growth on a tree can be a good indicator that the tree is rotting inside. Any critters such as bark beetles or carpenter ants are signs that a tree is dying.

Change in Surroundings

A change in the tree’s environment can have a big impact on it. If things around the tree have been moved and the tree is getting more wind or light, that can have a negative effect on the tree. If there was any construction near the tree, the roots may have been damaged.


Of course there are ways to prevent a tree from dying:

  • Avoid hitting the tree when doing yard work
  • Be gentle around exposed roots
  • Give the tree lots of room to breathe and absorb light. If you’re planting a new tree, put it in an area where it can grow fully.
  • If you are in a drought, water your trees
  • Be sure to prune trees as needed and at the right time of year

Need help taking care of the trees on your property? Friske Lawn Care offers a wide variety of tree care programs in addition to pruning services. Reach out today for a free quote!


Important Fall Garden Prep for Next Year’s Crop

Important Fall Garden Prep for Next Year’s Crop

It’s hard to believe that winter is around the corner! That means you need to get your garden prepped if you haven’t already. Here are some important fall garden prep tips for next year’s crop. Good fall prep can help with a more bountiful garden for the following year.

Easy Fall Prep for Flower Beds and Other Gardens

As you begin to tidy up the yard/garden for winter, dispose of any dead or deceased plants. Once the remaining plants have been blackened by frost, pull them up and use them as compost. Avoid using any deseased plants in your compost to prevent pests from sticking through winter and wreaking havoc on next year’s garden.

Easy Fall Garden Prep for Your Vegetables

To reduce the risk of any insects and diseases be sure to remove all debris and any weeds. Till the soil. This is a great time of year to oxygenate the soil.

  • Till once in each direction. In the fall you can get away with a rough till.
  • The soil can be pretty wet and sticky in the spring, so till in the fall to reduce your amount of spring tilling.

Add organic matter

  • Choosing to add organic matter or manure in the fall will allow more time for everything to become married to the soil.
  • In early spring, microorganisms are less active than they are in the fall; feeding them in the fall will give your garden a head start in the spring.
  • You may also choose to till in the organic matter.

If your garden has any areas that have gotten out of hand with the weeds, cover them with something the light can’t get through, like black plastic or cardboard. Leave it there until spring to kill the sprouting seeds.

Easy Fall Garden Prep for Your Herbs

The survival of your herbs during the winter will heavily rely on how well they were kept during the growing season. Make sure to water regularly, keep the soil well-drained, fertilize and prune as needed.

Most herb plants will also benefit from mulch cover after the first frost. Use 2-4 inches of mulch and be sure not to do so before the first heavy frost, as this can sometimes weaken the plants. Mulching for the winter can help regulate soil temperatures, thus reducing frequent freezing and thawing.

Trim off any dead wood from your thyme, sage and oregano plants. Cut off any dead flower heads.

If you live in a climate with very cold winters, you could also use some type of windbreak around the herbs. This can help protect them from harsh winter winds.

If you’re in need of some help with your yard this fall, reach out to Friske Lawn Care for a fall cleanup quote!

Removing Weeds for Fall Garden Prep